
UV Polish/Gelpolish/Shellac Expert

About The Event

Unit D6, Airside Enterprise Centre, Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland
  • Cost: €99.00
  • Total Slot: 4
  • Booked Slot: 0

This event has expired

Total duration

4 hours


To join this training you need to hold industry recognized Gelpolish qualifications





This course offers

Gelpolish manicure expert level

Gelpolish Expert training is for all qualified in Gelpolish Manicure wanted to take their service to the next level 🔝

Nowadays or clients have less time but still want a perfect Gelpolish Manicure
If you struggle with timing and feel that you use too much product this training is for you!

During the day you'll learn:

Limited places Book your space NOW!

Training in small groups - thanks to this we can dedicate the right time to each student.


Your Instructor

Joanna Figasinska

Nail Trainer & Founder of Magnetic Nail Academy

I started doing nails as a hobby around 18 years ago (2001). Back then nail styling was nothing like it is now..

The industry is changing rapidly and , as a trainer especially, I have to constantly participate in courses and watch the trends to have my knowledge and skills up to date.

I came to Ireland in May 2007, I registered my company in 2011. I have been teaching since 2013.

Start today and get your Certification

You can be your own guiding star with our help!

Registration and payment of a deposit of €50 is guarantee of your place. The deposit is NON-refundable.
In the event of resignation, the place at the training can be given away to another person or can be used against any other training that you would like to attend within 6 months of the original training date.

Payments are being made to: Monoi Nails IE13AIBK93252359417073 AIBKIE2D or PayPal

Contact Joanna if you have any questions about this workshop. email or text 0873271890